Similar Attack Like 26/11 Could be again on India

Similar Attack Like 26/11 Could be again on India

Pakistani terrorist tried to enter in India by the sea porbander (in Gujarat) similar attack could be again on India but this time it failed.

A Pakistani fishing boat was coming towards India from Karachi (in Pakistan). 4 terrorists were on the boat with explosives things.

Indian coast guard got the information about boat which was coming from Karachi to India and coast guard laid on operation to target that fishing boat. In that operation an air plane was set to search that fishing boat.

It searched the location of that boat which was heading to India then Indian boats started that boat and asked it to stop but terrorist didn’t have intention to stop.

They began to run away when Indian coast guard raised an alarm to stop them after chasing an hour Indian Coast guard shot that fishing boat then Pakistani terrorist decided to explode itself finally.

Similar Attack Like 26/11 Could be again on India

[su_note note_color=”#c31b49″ text_color=”#3ee626″ radius=”6″]Pakistan’s plan was failed and Indian celebrated New Year with peaceful happiness.[/su_note]

The Indian Defence Ministry released blurred night-time photographs of a burning fishing boat, with time stamps of 4am on New Year’s Day.

No name or other distinguishing characteristics were visible on the burning boat. No other physical evidence was presented by the Indian government.

The coast guard chased the Pakistani boat for almost an hour and fired warning shots before it stopped, the Indian statement said, adding that the crew hid below deck and set the boat on fire.

India’s vulnerability to attacks along its long coastline was exposed in 2008 after the seaborne assault by Pakistani nationals on Mumbai, the nation’s financial capital.

Ten Pakistani attackers arrived on a rubber boat in Mumbai for the commando-style assault on two luxury hotels, a train station and a Jewish centre that killed 166 people.

Since the attack, India has upgraded coastal security, spending money on patrol vessels, helicopters and building a coastal radar network.

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